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Sudbourne Primary School

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Admissions Policy

Admissions to the school are managed by the London Borough of Lambeth.  

Sudbourne Primary School operates the standard admissions policy for a Lambeth community school.  Places are allocated in order of priority, based on the following criteria:

  1. Looked after children.  A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority – according to section 20 of the Children Act 1989.
  2. Children with a brother or sister who already attends the school, and would not have left the school at the time of admission. A sibling is defined as a full/half/step brother or sister, living at the same address, a child who is living as part of the family by reason of a court order, or a child who has been placed with foster carers at that address as a result of being looked after by the Local Authority.
  3. Children with a professionally supported medical or social need that the school is especially able to meet.   Admissions decisions will be taken by Lambeth’s Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS) MEDSOC panel.  Letters from an appropriate professional must support these applications although these will not always be conclusive.
  4. Priority will be given on the basis of distance, between the child’s home and the school, measured by a straight line.

 For further information on Lambeth’s criteria for community schools, please contact them directly or on their website:

To download our Admissions Policy please click on the document below.