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Sudbourne Primary School

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At Sudbourne we are artists! 

Our Art curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, whilst equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be able to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. At Sudbourne we - like Pablo Picasso - really do believe that ‘every child is an artist’. As pupils progress, they gain a deeper understanding of how art and design reflects and shapes our history, and how it contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our world. Through a myriad of media and incredible artists our pupils are able to produce creative work, showing an increase in proficiency in each discipline. We focus on developing processes and skills rather than focusing purely on monotonous artistic outcomes.


Cumulative progression and coherent substantive concepts 

The CUSP Art curriculum is organised into blocks with each block covering a particular set of artistic disciplines, including drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, 3D and collage. Vertical progression in each discipline has been deliberately woven into the fabric of the curriculum so that pupils can revisit key disciplines throughout their Sudborune learning journey at increasing degrees of challenge and complexity.  In addition to the core knowledge required to be successful within each discipline, the curriculum outlines key aspects of artistic development in the working artistically section. Each module will focus on developing different aspects of these competencies. This supports our teachers in understanding pupils’ development as artists more broadly, as well as how successfully they are acquiring the taught knowledge and skills.  

The CUSP Art and Design curriculum has been built around ‘the principles of evidence-led practice’*. This ensures that ‘pupils are equipped to successfully think, work and communicate like an artist’*. Through the implementation of CUSP Art & Design, children’s knowledge-acquisition is supported by the use of a clear sequence of teaching, knowledge organisers and opportunities for retrieval practice. This helps children to remember what they have learnt, whilst also supporting cognitive load and knowledge retention. 

Substantive knowledge concepts

CUSP has defined substantive concepts that are the suggested vehicle to connect the substantive knowledge. Prior knowledge is taken into consideration of a new task, to ensure that pupils build upon their prior learning.


Disciplinary knowledge – 

In addition to the core knowledge required to be successful within each discipline, CUSP Art and Design outlines key aspects of working like an artist.  Each module will focus on promoting different aspects of these competencies.  


Central to the learning modules are activities designed to develop pupils’ oracy and vocabulary skills to enable them to use the language associated with art and design meaningfully when talking about their work and the work of others. Technical vocabulary is identified and defined to ensure a coherence of definitions, as children progress through the school. Carefully chosen tasks that encourage thinking use the language of Art and design, requiring pupils to explain techniques, skills and processes and evaluate their own and others’ work. 


CUSP EYFS provides the foundational knowledge of Art and Design through the expressive arts and design early learning goal. In the Early Years, children are given frequent opportunities to self select and experiment with a diverse range of material. This may include colour mixing, drawing with increasing accuracy or sculpting with a range of materials. 

Phase 1 - 3 

Our two year cycle ensures that children meet all of the National Curriculum objectives by the end of the phase / key stage. Pupils are taught Art each half term. Each block links core knowledge or skills to an element of Art History, artists or piece of artwork, This ensures our pupils have an overview of where the artists sit in art history and their influence. 

Our Art and Design overview can be found below.