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Autumn Term 1

Autumn 1 in EYFS

General blurb

This half-term in EYFS we have been settling in and getting to know our friends and teachers! We have all been learning about our school values and the Sudbourne rules. We have been learning how to tidy up and how to look after our toys. Both Reception and Nursery have been really enjoying our inside and outside provision - particularly the water tray and the mud kitchen!

Literacy and Phonics


Our topic for Literacy this half-term is ‘Ourselves’. Reception have been reading books like ‘The Squirrels Who Squabbled’ and ‘What Makes Me a Me?’. Nursery has been reading books like ‘The Worrysaurus’ and ‘My Family and other Families’. We have all really enjoyed learning about each other's families and the similarities and differences between us all.


Reception has started the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. We have learnt the phonemes (sounds that the letters make) and have been learning how to blend sounds into words. Please help us at home to recognise and say the sounds in your child’s phonics boxes.


In Reception we have been developing the key skills of counting objects, including saying the numbers in order and matching one number name to each item. We have also been learning that anything can be counted, including claps, jumps and hops. Reception really enjoy meeting the Numberblocks too!

In Nursery we have been joining in and singing counting songs and number rhymes. We have really enjoyed ‘1 2 3 4 5 Once I caught a fish alive’. Nursery have also enjoyed listening to stories that involve counting. Some of us have even begun to recognise numerals!

Understanding the World

In Reception, this half term has been all about nurturing our understanding of the world around us. We've been thinking about our similarities and differences, fostering a spirit of acceptance and inclusivity. The children have been discovering that diversity is what makes our world wonderful!

As the leaves change and the days grow cooler, we've also begun our seasonal observations. It's been an exciting adventure exploring the world outside our classroom. The children had fun collecting conkers and acorns, transforming them into yummy concoctions in our mud kitchen!

Expressive Arts and Design

This term we have been exploring and experimenting with different colours in order to create a new colour. The children have come up with interesting colour combinations for their artwork. We have also been creating with different materials. The children have been learning to make some independent choices about the resources they need and talk about their creations with their peers. 

Physical Development

In Reception, we've been on an exciting journey of physical development. Our energetic learners have been exploring various activities to build their gross and fine motor skills. In PE the children have been playing games that involve running, jumping and using their coordination. They’ve also enjoyed building obstacle courses to challenge their agility and we’ve had lots of lively dance sessions to get our bodies moving and grooving! In the classroom, we’ve been strengthening our hands with ‘dough discos’ and practising our scissor skills, cutting along the lines to improve our precision.

Personal, Social and Emotional

We have all been learning to express our feelings and consider the feelings of others. We have also been working on being able to identify a wider range of feelings, e.g. scared, excited, angry, frustrated, nervous, worried and joyful.

As tricky as it can be, we are all working on beginning to show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge and we are all trying to remember rules without needing an adult to remind them

Communication and Language

This term the children have been learning about listening and why listening is important. They have learnt how to listen effectively to stories, trying to remember some important parts of the story and to respond with related  questions or comments. 

The children have enjoyed expanding their language skills inside

Events or trips

This half term we were part of the ‘Eat the Rainbow’ initiative. Lots of different vegetables were delivered to us and we had lots of fun discussing what they looked like and smelt like! We then worked together to make a rainbow out of the vegetables. There were lots of rich discussions about healthy food and how to keep ourselves healthy!

Materials that we need!

Do you have any of the following?

Plastic bottle tops

Boxes – medium and small

toilet/kitchen rolls

egg cartons

cardboard boxes

yoghurt pots

bubble wrap

newspapers and magazines




Pom poms

Plastic tubes


If you have any of these, we would love to have them.  Thanks