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Autumn Term 2

Autumn 2 in EYFS


Literacy and Phonics

Reception read books like ‘The Wonder’ and ‘William Bee’s Wonderful World of Things that Work’ and one of Nursery's favourites was ‘’ and ‘’. We learnt all about different occupations and about using our imaginations.

Reception continues to learn phonics through the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. We have learnt the phonemes (sounds that the letters make) and have been learning how to blend sounds into words. Please help us at home to recognise and say the sounds in your child’s phonics boxes.



This half-term we have been working on the composition of numbers to 5. We have used Numicon to help us and also looked at part part whole models.

In the Nursery, we have been looking at patterns on animals, clothes and on Christmas wrapping paper! We have also been comparing size, length and height through stories like ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We really enjoyed reading the Pattern Fish too!


Understanding the World

We had a visit from the local community support officers this half-term too!


They spoke to us about being safe when we are walking around Brixton, and we were allowed to try on their hats! Some of us asked them about their handcuffs and their body cams. 


Expressive Arts and Design

We had a wonderful time practising and performing in our Nativity show ‘A Twinkly Nativity’. Some of us had lines to learn and we all learnt lots of songs and actions to go along with them.

It was an amazing performance and we loved being a part of it. 



Physical Development

We have been working really hard on our fine motor skills and holding our pens correctly. You can see how much our hard work has paid off in our wonderful letter formation and writing.

Outside, we have been working on our gross motor skills by building tall towers with wooden blocks, having cycling races on bikes and building obstacle courses with tyres and various different materials!



Personal, Social and Emotional

Communication and Language

In PSHE we have been focusing on practising to get better at things. Learning how to set goals for ourselves and how to work towards achieving them.


Events or trips

Mrs B came  to talk to us about how her and her family celebrate Diwali. She showed us her beautiful sarees, pictures and models of Rama and Sita and told us the Diwali story. We were even able to try on some sari’s and all of us got to wear a bindi. Later in the term, we had a go at making our very own Diva lamps. What a wonderful experience for us all!