At Sudbourne Primary School the main aim of our Behaviour Policy is to promote good relationships and to ensure that every member of the school community  feels valued, and is treated fairly and well.
To achieve this, the school's Behaviour Policy and Behaviour Blueprint sets out clear Expectations and Reward and Recognition Strategies to ensure all members of the school can enjoy a safe, happy and secure environment.
Our mantra for behaviour: We regulate and restore together!
Our Expectations are:
Be Ready – Students are ready for learning by having good attendance, in full school uniform, determined to do their best and focused to always strive for their full potential.They show that they are ready for learning.
Be Respectful – That respect goes both ways with all our students following the instructions of their adults, listening carefully to those in their classroom, speaking respectfully to peers and adults while showing good manners and kindness to those in our school community. This also means being respectful of our school, keeping it both tidy and clean.
Be Safe – We all deserve to feel safe at school. Not only by keeping our hands and feet and unkind words to ourselves but also feeling safe to be ourselves promoting equality and friendship.
For more information about Behaviour Management at Sudbourne, please take a look at our Behaviour Policy and Behaviour Principles Written Statement.