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Autumn Term 1

Autumn 1 in Phase 3


The children have had a successful Autumn 1 term, and we are all looking forward to beginning next term with a positive and ready to learn attitude.




In Autumn Term 1, we have been learning to write our own autobiographies and focusing on grammatical features. such as past progressive tense showing ongoing actions that took place in the past, relative clauses were used to give additional information about a noun by using a relative pronoun.

We have been sequencing and describing events chronologically and factually, as well as using conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time, place and cause.

The second part of this term, we have been learning about discursive writing, where we have explicitly learnt grammatical structures and text conventions required, as well as structural understanding, planning and execution of extended tasks and focused editing. We have been able to use the passive voice to convey a formal tone and use multiple viewpoints needed to represent views in a discussion and deliver a speech using formality and expression.





We started the term by reading I Am Not A Label by Cerrie Burnell, which is an anthology exploring the lives of a range of disabled artists, athletes, scientists and activists from across the generations. Alongside this, pupils explored a range of supporting texts, which included narratives, discussion texts, poetry, advertisements  and a report. These all enabled pupils to develop their retrieval, inference and prediction skills and explore authorial intent. 

In Burnell’s foreword, she says, ‘Everyone deserves to see someone like them in a story or achieving great things,’ which is a theme we returned to throughout the unit. This led to some powerful class discussions about prejudice, inclusivity and perseverance and allowed us to overcome misconceptions around disability. 



In the last two weeks, we have moved on to an adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Andrew Matthews and Tony Ross, a modern retelling of Shakespeare’s classic love story. 

Pupils have enjoyed hearing about the two worlds of the mortals and the fairies and how they interact. Alongside the text, we have read some biographies, a commentary, a narrative, a report, a poem and an extract from the original play.




We started this term by looking at additive and multiplicative structures using cuisenaire rods. This helped us to understand the mathematical structure of word problems and helped us to determine how to calculate the answer. 


We then moved onto looking at mental calculation strategies for addition and subtraction. We used the redistribution method for addition. By redistributing the ones to the other addend, we can calculate mentally. 


For subtraction, we used our knowledge of the “same sum” rule to help change subtraction equations into equations that are easier to solve mentally. 


“Same Sum Rule”


If we increase the minuend and the subtrahend by the same amount, the difference stays the same.



This week we have been exploring the place value of 10,000s and 100,000s and reading numbers up to a hundred million. 




We started the term by comparing and grouping everyday materials based on their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets. 


We mixed salt with water and discovered that it dissolves to form a solution. Sand did not dissolve, forming a mixture. 

We then used our  knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating.

Lastly, we considered chemical changes that are irreversible, such as burning and reversible changes that are physical, such as dissolving and melting.




This Autumn Term 1, we revisited the importance of understanding chronological order to gain insights into the timeline of events and how they connect. We compared and contrasted trends over time, exploring significant periods in History, both locally and worldwide. We have delved into the captivating world of Ancient Greece, focusing on key aspects that shaped this remarkable civilisation. Our journey took us through the beliefs of the Ancient Greeks, with their rich pantheon of gods and philosophical pursuits; the unique characteristics of the city-states of Athens and Sparta, examining their distinct political and social structures. Discovered the birth of democracy in Athens, a revolutionary development in the history of governance. We also explored the cultural significance of theatre, myths, and fables, shedding light on how these artistic forms conveyed moral lessons and shaped the culture. Additionally, we plunged into the purpose and significance of the Olympic Games, which celebrated physical prowess and fostered unity amongst Greek city-states.



Art and Design 


We began the term by learning a new technique called subtractive drawing, where pupils shaded with pencil and used an eraser to mark-make.  We then moved on to look at the abstract landscape paintings of Hundertwasser. We explored his style, and then pupils echoed his use of organic lines and spirals along with bright colours to create their own abstract landscape paintings. 





This half-term, our focus has been on the intriguing and enlightening world of Islam. Our exploration centred on the significance of the pilgrimage and reasons for Muslims undertaking the sacred journey to the Hajj. We learnt about the celebration of Eid Al-Adha, understanding who commemorates this important Islamic festival and the cultural richness it brings. We also took a moment to consider the commonalities between Islam and other religions, highlighting shared values and beliefs.